3 ways your air conditioner can reduce allergens in your home

The importance of air con maintenance

Many people don’t realise that their air conditioner can actually assist in managing allergens by removing particles from the air inside the home. Yet on the flipside, a poorly maintained air conditioner can actually contribute to allergic reactions by circulating airborne pollutants around your home.

Standard air conditioners do a good job of basic air filtering, removing dust, pollen and other particles from the air, as well as reducing humidity and making it easier to breathe. But there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your air conditioner’s air filtering performance.

So if you or your family suffer from allergies or hay fever, we’ve got some tips to help you find relief. In this blog post, we look at how your air conditioner can contribute to cleaner air in your home, and help you manage allergies for your family.

1) Clean the air con filter regularly

The most important thing you can do to improve air quality is to clean your air con’s filter regularly. It’s also one of the easiest things to do.

All air conditioners contain a removable filter that should be taken out regularly and washed with warm soapy water. Allow the filter to dry completely before replacing it in your air conditioner. For maximum air filtration performance, do this every 2-3 weeks, particularly during spring when there is more pollen in the air.

It’s also important to keep the area around the outdoor air conditioning unit free of dust and debris to minimize the number of airborne particles being drawn in through the air intake.

In addition to self-cleaning schedule, consider a professional clean once a year by a licensed air conditioner repair person for optimum performance of your air conditioner.

2) Run the air con’s self-clean operation

Many modern air conditioners come with a built in self-cleaning function. In addition to regularly cleaning the filter as outlined above, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and run the self-clean function as often as directed.

Not only will this contribute to cleaner air, your air conditioner will be running more efficiently, using less energy, and will be less likely to need repairs in the future.

3) Use an allergen filter

If you really want to combat allergies in your home, invest in an electrostatic filter. These advanced air filtration systems trap up to 90% of the airborne particle, with only minimal impact on overall air flow.

For suffers from severe allergies, Daikin offers a range of advanced air purifying split system air conditioners that can trap everything from pollen and dust, to mold and bacteria. These are highly sophisticated titanium apatite photocatalytic air purification filters that are the best on the market.

If you want to purify the air in your home and reduce the suffering of your family, consider a regular air conditioner filter clean, and annual professional clean to keep your family breathing easy. And if you think your current air conditioner is not up to the job, perhaps it’s time to upgrade to a new system with advanced allergen filtration before spring hits and pollen count skyrockets again.

Talk to us about improving air quality at your home

Thinking about upgrading your air conditioner? Need a professional clean and service before the spring weather arrives? Call Jaric Air Conditioning today on 1300 452 742 or contact us online.